Thursday, November 02, 2006

As most or all of you may know, I have spent the better part of this year, NOT working. Not in the conventional sense of the world. I've done a lot of 'exploring'. While becoming expert at cooking, driving the school bus, assisting in extracurricular activities, I've also developed a fascination with wikipedia. This is a free and comprehensive online encyclopedia created and updated by users, like you or me. Apparently it is much more accurate than Britannica. So when I am, say curious about string theory, I go to google and type in "string theory wiki", or I go to wikipedia directly. The definition of the topic is all there and there are links and launchpoints to all related and more in depth detail on the subject. You can wiki anything. Another wiki I discovered the other day is You guessed it. All quotes. Created and updated by users. So I truly have been learning something new everyday.

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