Monday, February 25, 2008

Financial Statements VS. Life

I've been looking at a lot of financial statements lately. Profit and Loss statements. Balance Sheets. Cashflow statements. Reconciling accounts.

It got me thinking: if I were to take a snapshot right now of my life, and somehow could define and quantify the assets and liabilities, not financial, but personal: perhaps emotional, certainly spiritual....what would it look like? What would my accounts receivables be? What and how much would my accounts payable be? how much equity...positive or negative? Balance Sheets are notoriously unreliable as it is well and truly a snapshot, one slice of time.

P&L statements on the other hand, are over a period of time, so the crests and troughs are clear. Is there net profit? What were the costs of goods sold? What are the income items in my life. The expense I have a high overhead....

Have I lost you. These ruminations mean a lot to me, as I have always found powerful analogies to life in the world of financial concepts and terms. My first education in this perspective was in the world of optionality, and these days more in the realm of financial statements.

A company has to reconcile its accounts often, and people need to balance their often do we take stock of our lives? Take inventory.....see what a snapshot looks like....see how we have spent the last year. Look for trends, imbalances....strengths & weaknesses.

Hope this has meant something to you.

1 comment:

Wilson said...

Gold was, and remains, one of the most precious commodities. By "mainstream" I mean investors who are experienced in investing online and do ten or twenty trades a year, but usually involving moderate amounts of money. Trading regularly occurs every weekday, opening at 9:30 in the morning (ET) and closing at 4:00 in the afternoon (ET), with the exception of special holidays announced in advanced by the NYSE.