Friday, December 08, 2006

Borders & Boundaries

I was talking to an old friend who I had not met in a long time. I found myself sharing this revelation that I had from a while back. It is the concept of borders and boundaries applied to daily life.

I'm defining boundaries as natural or universal. If you are standing on the edge of a cliff, that boundary is pretty obvious. Take one wrong step and you will end up in the abyss. If you are on an island, step into the water, and you'd better know how to swim. Boundaries are healthy, and if you don't want to cross some of them; if you do the consequences can be dire. Some boundaries are meant to be conquered, analogous to being at the foot of a mountain, and having a desire to climb it. You'll need the proper training, equipment and most importantly the will to perservere. I think you get the picture. I believe God defines boundaries for us. Cross some, and it's sin. Cross others, and you've exercised great actions of faith.

Borders on the other hand are man-made. Some are heavily fortified with missiles and guns pointed at either side. Some have caused some of the most tragic conflicts in human history. Some match natural boundaries, so seem OK, but they are sometimes excuses to hide a man-made agenda. In our lives borders can be self-created phobias, hang-ups, which prevent us from engaging with others. Some borders that we've built up in our lives can appear as serious as the Berlin Wall, or the Great Wall of China (to keep the rabbits out), but once they crumble, we see their power was only in how we perceived them. Borders prevent us from closer relationships.

I often think my journey with Christ, is one of keeping healthy boundaries, but breaking down the self-made borders that prevent me from a truly intimate relationship with Jesus. This has had a profound effect on how I live daily life, and being aware of what is a border and what is boundary and to be able to discern the difference.


Anonymous said...


I must tell you that I enjoy your writing. I have read your musings on the Hope Rwanda site as well as your short bits on this site and I have to say I really enjoy the reads. Are you thinking about writing a book in the future? If so, I will keep an eye out and hopefully hear via this site. If not, WILL YOU..... From the few things I've read I can tell you have great insight and have an obvious gift to write.
Thank you.

Connector said...

Hey thanks Joseph.
do I know you? I'm most curious how you found this blog. Appreciate the encouragement.

Anonymous said...


Wow that was a quick response. You must be online now. My research astounds you. I impress even myself. Now that I have you wondering I will leave it at that and allow you time to ponder. Perhaps my simple comments will cause you to increase and write more.

Thank you for responding.


Connector said...

Yes I happen to be online. This blog is fairly obscure as it primarily exists for my connect group at church. Its morphed a little bit as a personal thoughts blog. I find writing therapeutic.

OK, enough is enough. Who are you Joseph!

Anonymous said...

I frustrate you. My only hope is that this frustration and intrigue will inspire you to more.
Enjoy writing.

Anonymous said...

I can only hope that one day my own thoughts will inspire others. Keep going.

Connector said...

Well no not really. I'm merely asking the identity so that we can have a more meaningful exchange rather than this game of cat and mouse. I guess at the heart of it, I would like to know if I know you. If I don't then that's cool. If I do, then you are very funny indeed. Actually you are funny in anycase.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for commenting on my comic side. You don't know me, nor do I know you. I stumbled across you on the Hope site and enjoyed your writing I then did some research and found (whom I thought to be the same person) and was correct. Deep apologies for being slightly vague and having a little fun. I thought perhaps my creative inspiration would encourage you, mistaken am I. I will however continue to follow your postings. I hope to see many more.
Thank you again for your brilliant insights into life.

Connector said...

Well, you are certainly Yoda-like. I'll take the compliments. How you got from the Hope site to I do not know. Mysterious, you are.

Anonymous said...


Mysterious I am. I never really believed that but I find simple joy knowing that I am percieved as such. My research perplexes even a great thinker such as yourself. Perhaps I must consider a new line of enterprise.

Anonymous said...


I will bid you farewell at this time. I must move towards other time requirements in my life. I look forward to reading much more and will check this great spot regularly. I thank you again for your inspiration. Allow your thinking to be translated in to written word even more.

Anonymous said...


My hopes were dashed upon the realization of no updated musings from you. I will check this great spot again tomorrow.