Monday, December 28, 2009

WHAT YOU CAN LEARN FROM A SNOWBALL: The Concept of Incremental Exponentialism

If you know me, then I rabbit on A LOT about incremental exponentialism, which is really my fancy way of describing compounding, or snowballing.

I like snow.

I didn't grow up with an abundance of it. It was a special thing to see it, touch it, play in it, ski down it, and get hit by it.

The proverbial snowball, made up of millions of unique snowflakes, compressed, getting larger as it rolls down the hills, or as a child rolls one around to make a snowman...picking up a thin layer which starts to add exponentially to the surface area and indeed the volume and mass of the snowball. Put simply....what starts small quickly grows unexpectedly.

So what can you learn from a snowball? A lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dislocation has been unexpected. My apologies I extend. Grateful I am to return to your writings.

This talk of snow balls, interesting, I find. Sharing more of this knowledge is desired. Exploring incremental exponentialism I shall do, through this blog.

Appreciated your writing is.
