Monday, October 08, 2007

Belonging & Significance

Defined variously as happiness, security, intimacy and being at ease, in the context of relationships, BELONGING is at the core of humanity. We crave this from the day we are born. Our identity and our purpose are often driven from this key state of belonging. "Who am I" is often related to "where do I belong".

Importance, meaning. We all want to matter. Down deep. Maybe some of us have given up, stuck in a routine of mediocrity and the mundane, where this side of us; the side that wants to make a difference, for our lives to mean something, to find meaning; has been snuffed out by the worries of this world.

Remember the movie "Signs". In it, the little girl has the curious habit of setting glasses of water all over the house. She belongs to her family, but her significance is not clear. It is not until the climax of the story, where they discover that the aliens, who threaten their entire existence, can be killed by water, does her TRUE significance come into play. Sometimes we don't really know our significance, but do as we are "guided". Have you had this moment yet?

Together, these two words: belonging & significance, are at the heart of every person, every group, every community. Are you part of something bigger than yourself? If so, are you important in that sphere? Do you know your purpose? Humanity, and indeed your own being, begs this question to be answered.

In this age of fragmentation, loneliness and despondency, we need to be agents of reconnection, and revealers of purpose.

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