Sunday, February 25, 2007

Transactional vs. Relational

Which one are you? Do you have relationships with people for what you do with them, or for who they are? A hard distinction sometimes, but here's an example: say you have a friend that you play golf with. But that's all you do with them, play golf. One day you break your arm, and don't play for months. No phone call, no contact. Transactional.

Or say you go to the corner store everyday, and chat to the storekeeper, who you see more often than your friends and family. Then one day you see them on the street. He doesn't greet you, and awkardly you don't acknowledge him either. Transactional.

On the flip side, your childhood best friend who you talk to on birthdays and Christmas, if that, turns up at your doorstep. He's like your brother, and regardless of the fact that you hardly see him anymore, the bonds are as strong as ever. Relational.

So the question is, are you transactional or relational in your interactions with people, your friendships. I believe we are created for relational connections, but the world has conditioned us to be transactional people. Food for thought.

Haven't quite decided the next topic, but I'm sure it will come to me. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely put. I'm the relational for shizzle man. Keep up the posts I LOVE reading them.